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Webinar Recording - Individual Viewing

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Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “Change for the better.” Kaizen’s origin can be traced back to the Shewart/Deming Cycle (PDSA)—or as we call it today the Plan-Do-Check-Act/Adjust (PDCA) Cycle—and to a 1950 Ford Employee Suggestion program witnessed by Eiji Toyoda of Toyota. From The Lean Strategy by Ballé, Jones, Chaize and Fiume, we learn that Kaizen emerged after much trial and error to the following: "In the Toyota tradition, Kaizen comes in essentially two forms: (1) Problem solving to return a situation to standard and (2) studying a process to improve on the standard."

Many Lean tools are examples of Kaizen used in very specific ways. A3 Thinking, Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM); and from Lean Construction, The Last Planner System, are all examples of Kaizen based tools. Kaizen IS the Continuous Improvement part of the Lean equation. Lean is Respect for People and Continuous Improvement.

So, is Kaizen just a problem-solving tool? Is it a way to fix those things the frontline workers are always screwing up? Is it a way to fix the broken processes management has pushed down on the workers?

To find a deeper meaning with Kaizen, you must change the way you think. You have to teach yourself to see in a new way. You must be open to change and new ideas. Workers must use all of their talents to better their work and they will find their work more fulfilling. Leaders must embrace servant leadership and support the Gemba in every way, and they will learn more than they ever thought they could.

In this webinar, I will talk about understanding and interpreting a deeper meaning of Kaizen. To change Kaizen from a production mindset to a learning mindset. How leaders can use Kaizen to support and develop a culture of continuous improvement. How to make these changes meaningful, lasting, and sustainable.


Brian Winningham, Owner at Field Driven Lean

Brian Winningham has over 20 years’ experience estimating, planning, managing, and leading construction projects. He is passionate about sharing the benefits of Lean Construction. Brian is the leader of the San Antonio LCI Community of Practice (CoP). He is an LCI Approved Instructor for LCI training courses and an approved instructor for the AGC Lean Construction Education Program (LCEP). Brian is a Veteran of 3/75 Ranger Battalion and active with Veterans in his community.



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AGC recognizes this webinar as quality Lean Construction content and it qualifies for 1.5 hours of AGC CE credit. All attendees can forward the receipt of the webinar to AGC and have the webinar count towards renewing their CM-Lean certificate.